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Highlight do projeto Sharp Developers da Nhdesign

Sharp Developers

Porto, 2022

You're not just buying a House. You're buying a Lifestyle.

  • Branding
  • Rebranding
  • Webdesign
Imagem principal do projeto Sharp Developers da Nhdesign


We carried out the rebranding of this real estate developer with the aim of modernizing its image, adopting a more current and sober color palette that reflects its professionalism. The company is recognized for its high-quality and exclusive projects, which form the foundation of its market presence.

  • Pantone 5195C

    C: 0
    M: 34
    Y: 14
    K: 60

    R: 103
    G: 68
    B: 89


  • Pantone Warm Gray 1C

    C: 0
    M: 2
    Y: 6
    K: 16

    R: 214
    G: 209
    B: 202


Nhdesign project Sharp Developers: Sharp Developers logo on a purple background.
Sharp Developers logo on a purple background.
Nhdesign project Sharp Developers: Construction grid of the Sharp Developers logo on a purple background.
Construction grid of the Sharp Developers logo on a purple background.
Nhdesign project Sharp Developers: Photograph of a Sharp Developers book on a cardboard box, viewed from above.
Photograph of a Sharp Developers book on a cardboard box, viewed from above.
Nhdesign project Sharp Developers: Brand envelope with company information on a purple background.
Brand envelope with company information on a purple background.
Nhdesign project Sharp Developers: Sharp Developers card on a purple background.
Sharp Developers card on a purple background.
Nhdesign project Sharp Developers: Photograph of a laptop on a sofa with the Sharp Developers website open.
Photograph of a laptop on a sofa with the Sharp Developers website open.